Thursday, February 26, 2009

biological clocks

Lately I have felt like I can't go to bed before 2 AM, and if I do go to bed before then, I usually don't fall asleep until 2AM or so due to too many thoughts in my head, usually about computers. So here I am, updating my blog! Yay!

We are working on tea kettles in Des Com. We have done a bunch of iterations, and now are narrowing in on a single concept. I am going with this concept, but changing some things...mainly the lid. I got some good feedback today in class and I am excited to see what the final design looks like...especially when I use some new skills in hypershot!

In the past two weeks I have been in Alias way more than I wanted to, but I have learned a ton just by using it....and making my models this time around wasn't nearly as frustrating as last time. I don't know if I am just better, or the forms are simpler.....but I think I will go with the first!

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